The Dichotomy of Leadership

Excerpt from “Extreme Ownership” by Jocko Willink and Leif Babin


his book is for you if…

This book is stacked with valuable lessons on the behavior of exemplary leaders, accompanied by real-life anecdotes from both navy seals on the battlefield and the corporate arena.

Extreme Ownership is a philosophy suited for individuals operating in fiercely competitive environments, where both teams and individuals relentlessly strive to excel by harnessing the full potential of their collective efforts.The Dichotomy of Leadership

Here, I highlight what Jacko refers to as "The Dichotomy of Leadership." This concept underscores the continuous balancing act that effective leaders must master when making decisions, ensuring that the team's overarching mission and success consistently take precedence over more self-centered goals, such as individual achievement.


The Dichotomy of Leadership


A leader must:

  1. Understand and explain the mission clearly. 

  2. Be calm, but not robotic.

  3. Be confident, but never cocky.

  4. Be brave, but never reckless.

  5. Have a competitive spirit, but also be gracious losers.

  6. Act with professionalism, and recognize others’ control.

  7. Be attentive to detail, but not obsessed with the minutia.

  8. Be strong, but also have endurance.

  9. Be humble, but not passive.

  10. Exercise extreme ownership, simultaneously employing decentralized command.

  11. Have nothing to prove, but everything to prove.

  12. Demonstrate through action that they will take care of the team, and care for their long-term wellbeing.


In a few words…

I valued the book's personalized approach to its lessons. It effectively illustrates the stark parallels in problem-solving strategies required by both a battlefield commander and a team leader in a family, workplace, and day-to-day life situations.

Luis Mercado

Sharing thoughts and ideas that help me “sit my ass where my heart wants to be”.

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